Innovation Excellence
Powder Dosing & Liquid Filling Solutions
Dec covers the whole “liquid to solid” spectrum with innovate solutions. As gravimetric dosing systems tend to limitations when measuring smaller product amounts, Dec has developed accurate volumetric dosing systems. Any kind of powder can be accurately dispensed including crystalline, lyophilized, round and fluffy ones.
With BoMa technolgoy liquids are actively fed without the need for a scale, thus allowing operation in unstable environments and filling processes in parallel.
RABS and isolators can provide the required level of containment under strictly controlled conditions.
All the systems can be delivered with dynamic, on the fly volume change options for flexibility and patient centric manufacturing.
The risk of a possible contamination or mistake is a major concern of the health industry.
In order to overcome these issues, many pharmaceutical producers are looking for new drug delivery systems such as dual packaging where the powder and the diluent solution are stored in separate compartments.
Dec has gained specific expertise in this area and can propose tailored solutions for automatic filling of various packaging such as double-chamber syringes and systems.​
The dosing systems can function as a stand-alone unit or be seamlessly integrated into an existing process line.